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De Soi "Reserve", signifies our pinnacle selection of premium products. Crafted with a unique blend of the finest ingredients including black currant, tart cherry, and vanilla, Purple Lune is our richest and most densely layered flavor profile to date. Its full-bodied nature promises a truly luxurious experience, inviting you to celebrate the art of apéro, with abundance.

De Soi x Charqute

We teamed up with our friends over at Charqute to create a charcuterie spread featuring cheeses that pair with each of our three flavors.

Golden Hour x Aged English Cheddar

This slightly crunchy Queen’s award-winning cheddar is aged for up to 15 months and has a rich and intense flavor profile. What makes it the perfect pair for Golden Hour is its contrasting subtle and sweet top notes, which work well with all the bright and zesty botanicals like yuzu and lemongrass.

Champignon Dreams x Port Wine Derby

This cheese has a deep ruby red marbled effect where the Port wine has been allowed to naturally blend with the maturing cheese. It has a slightly sweet berry aftertaste and has real blackcurrant undertones. The slightly creamy texture complements Champignon Dreams, which is bursting with fresh strawberries.

Purple Lune x Sage Derby

This cheese is one of England’s oldest and most famous cheeses, traditionally made for special occasions. It has an open texture with a smooth, creamy body and a nutty flavor that complements the delicate fruity notes of Purple Lune, with its rose petals and blackberry nectar.
